Tuesday, June 19, 2012



In continuation,
How can I get maximum return from my day?

 2. Divide your daily time plan into major and minor

Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

It is very important for you to be able to separate what is urgent from what is important. Start working on your major task early in the day. Some minor things can wait and even be delegated. One of the secrets of the successful people is that they get the major work done by themselves and delegate the minor ones. For you to be able to manage your time well you need to know the act of leverage. Leverage means doing more with less. Stephen Covey the author of seven habits for highly effective people described this as “doing first thing first” .You have to know that you can not do all things. Prioritize your work in the order of their importance. It is advisable to work on things based on the order of their importance. Don’t focus all your energy in things that others can do for you.  When you get the major done, you have achieved a lot.

In my findings, I have discovered that one of the reasons why many people failed is that they get their lives busy doing the wrong thing.  Imagine somebody gets to office in the morning and the first task he performed was to spend 1-2 hrs with his friend to discuss yesterday’s football match. Yes, there is a need to discuss the match but that is minor, it can wait till lunch time or closing hour.

Imagine someone in higher institution that focuses his attention on electives courses and failed to major in core courses; you don’t need anyone to tell you that such candidate is doomed to fail. It is also applicable in life. If your energy is wasted on things that matter least, you can be sure that you can’t go far in life.
How will I know what matter most or least? You know that by checking returns or reward each activity will bring for you. You can also know it by looking at their long time prospective

With respect to faithful workers in the civil service, one of the reasons why most of them worked and retired like that without impact is because most of them don’t really put down their time. They spent the chunk of time chatting with their co-workers and did all manners during office hour. I remember the words of Jesus Christ that said, he that is not faithful in another man’s business, who will commit to him his own. I am speaking to you if you are working under an organization or you are a government worker, you need to give your best to that organization for them to move to the next level. They may not notice you but God who is the lifter of men will notice you in due time. There is one stupid adage we heard over time when we were growing up; they said government work is not the work you do and sweat over. That is why most of them remained a mediocre. Start your day by working on important things in your life. Don’t spend most of your time working on unimportant things in life. You can even delegate most of the minor work or things and get yourself busy with the important. In life, we do more by doing less. The more things you have to do, the divided your attention will be and the less you achieve. 

Changing lives by changing people perspective
Oluwaseyi Olawusi

Tomorrow we shall be talking on GENERAL TIME WASTER

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