Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Time is My Life -PART 3

My Time Is My Life -Part 3

"Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise."-Benjamin Franklin

 One of the factors that can make your day to be more productive in life is to be an early riser. Most of the successful people in life always rise up early in life to get the major job of the day done. Most successful people took advantage of the coolness of the day by rising up early to plan their day and get important work done. In the early hours of any day, you can get fresh ideas. Your brain is cool and can think excellently well. Your mind is void of distraction. The best time to plan your day is in the early hours of the day. I know the best time to think in the day is the early hours of the day because at that moment your mind is fresh. Even bible recorded that God always come down in the cool of the day to have fellowship with Adam (Genesis 3 vs. 8). I think inspiration is available in the early hours of the day. Creativity is best at that moment. There is a stillness that goes with reading at the early hours of the day. Take advantage of it.

This is what I found out about some CEOs of a large corporation. Most executives get up early. This trait was common to 17 CEOs surveyed by Jim Citrin at Yahoo! Finance a few years ago. And it's a trait we expect from CEOs. They are go-getters who want to start the day before their peers and competitors, who want to work long hours and have enough time for their personal live too.

Apple CEO Tim Cook is known for getting up and sending out company emails at 4:30 in the morning, according to Gawker's Ryan Tate. By 5 AM he can be found in the gym. And he works late too, priding himself on being the first in the office and the last out.

Former Peugeot GM Jean-Martin Folz. Now headed to the board of Eutelsat Communications, the former head of Peugeot was said to catch the 4 a.m. train from Dijon to Paris, and would finish up a briefing paper within minutes of arriving to his office at 7 a.m.

New Jersey Nets CEO Brett Yormark The youngest CEO in the NBA told Selling Power that he gets up at 3:30 in the morning in order to get to the office by 4:30. From there, he works out and sends motivational emails to his team. He takes it easy on the weekends, arriving at the office by 7 a.m. instead

Let me give you three examples of people that took advantage of rising up early.
Firstly our Lord Jesus: Mark 1 vs. 35. Secondly, I read that at every 4 am in the morning the former late president of United State of America, Abraham Lincoln was always up on his feet. That is why he went to become one of the best US presidents. Lastly, during the life time of the richest man in Nigeria before, Chief M.K.O. Abiola, he was always up on his feet between 2am-5am every morning to plan his days and overseeing his business empire.
It is no magic that these people are quite successful because most of them did what an average man or commoner will not do. I have often said there is nothing mystical about success. In my own term, success is simply a matter of habit. What you do determines where you end period. If you want to know where you will end simply check what you do. There is nothing like god of luck helping anyone to succeed. If a black man will do what a white man did and became successful, in no time he will succeed no matter what is against him. Listen people may be against you but the most important thing is for you not to be against yourself. I heard one man of God speaking that “you only need your vote to make your life counts”

Changing lives by changing peoples’ perspective
Oluwaseyi Olawusi 

Check out our blog tommorow for the continuation

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