Friday, June 15, 2012


How can I get maximum return from my day?

  1. Plan your day.

Your first task everyday is to plan what you are going to do in the day. Never go out in a day without a solid plan of action on how you are going to invest your time. This is how to effectively manage your life. It so unfortunate that more than 70% of people don’t plan their day. They live the day as it comes. That is the beginning of failure. They just live the day as it appears. You need a list of what you want to achieve daily. We call it a daily plan or task. That creates your goal for the day so that you will not misdirect your energy. Someone said, if you don’t have a goal, you will live like a goat (wondering around achieving nothing). Your large part of the day must be dedicated to doing things that move you closer to your goals in life. Save your time and energy by having a daily plan. Plan your day as if you are going somewhere. . Look at someone’s thought, “A day not planned is a day wasted”. That is why some people get some things done more than others. I have discovered that there are things successful people do that keep them succeeding that failures are not doing. This is simply one of them. Success is no accident. You can’t just stumble into success or you wake up and see yourself succeeding except in your dream. Someone said “The only place where success comes before work is only in the dictionary”. Success is prepared for. It does not just happen. Our goal is to know what successful people are doing that is giving them results and master them so as to become one. I believe strongly the words of Zig Ziglar that says “any dummy can succeed if he knows how”. 

Let us look at Benjamin Franklin thought on daily plan:

In Franklin’s autobiography, he explains his quest (tongue-in-cheek) for moral perfection. In his principles for order, Franklin offered appropriate activities for each hour of the day

 I remember a story I read sometime ago.  A rich man asked a consultant to give him an insight on how he can be more productive in life. The consultant looked at the rich man and said before you leave your house everyday has a list of things you want to achieve in the day and prioritize them. The rich man answered and said if I  try it and it  help me a great deal I am going to send you a cheque. They both agreed. Less than two weeks, the rich man sent the consultant a big cheque and thanks his for improving his overall performance in life. That is simply the rule. I can imagine someone saying is it that cheap. I have observed that it is the mosquitoes of life that bite not the elephant. It is those small details that we refused to give attention to that destroy us. Read Songs of Solomon 2 vs. 15.

Changing lives by changing peoples' perspective
Oluwaseyi Olawusi

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